
Hey guys,

This is one I've had for a while but I didn't quite feel it was ready.
We meet a friend of Yodell's whose name isn't revealed yet. But remember him though.
He's into gymnastics and takes his personal fitness very seriously.




  1. Hahahaa, u know what really made it funny for me was the "rawa" bit...lol. I liked this one, original, and starting to develop the story. I have a problem with the tag "coach's home", the environment is quite self explanatory -- the one saying coach, of course - we don't know where they are...but not coach's home somehow.
    Keep it up


  2. Thanks for the feedback.
    I'm glad you liked it.
    Please keep the word spreading.


  3. now we are back on track...i'm digging the colored surprise marks. I don't know about any other person but little things like that make a huge difference to me. For some reason, i'm not digging how you went wild with the background. I'm loving the color mind you, but i think the blue is just too bright to pull off with a normal gradient. I'd advice to do gradient's with colors that aren't so vibrant. Oh and the identity of the characters is truly beginning to bloom. I'm digging how you kept the consistency in character behavior

  4. Thanks for the words.
    I really wanted to use a different color than the cream and yellows I used before.
    I intentionally wanted it to be vibrant.
    Besides I had to use a different color or all the strips would start to look similar.
    Stay tuned as we explore some lecturers at their cooky excuse for a University



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