
The strips I have been posting are not of the best quality I know but I am really just trying to get the hang of creating comicbooks.
This series was created primarily in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator and a bit of InDesign as well.
I worked off pencil versions I did a couple of months back.

Please don't be discouraged, I get better with each page I draw so hopefully I can reach a satisfactory level in a couple of weeks.

Leave comments and opinions please.



  1. I preferred the lines on this one way more but the background bothered me a little bit.
    The jaguar is just kinda floating in mid air,.... I know.

    Thnx 4 not deserting me people


  2. I actually didn't notice the floating jaguar until you mentioned it. I agree about the background though, maybe you should have a bit more going on in the pictures? But you did get the alarm emotion right!

  3. I hope people don't stop reading after this one....lol


  4. Man nice one:D.I think all u need is more colour and more jokes at the ends. I liked the cafeteria, rock and basketball ones so farThose were real funny. Drawings are cool too.
    dunno how deviant art works, saw some work on the site some time ago, real cool too. looking forward to next week s toons.


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